Hello and welcome to the travel blog www.mytouristline.com
If you are passionate about writing travel blogs, or some kind of content that can be related to our travel blog, then you can send us your blogs, and articles for consideration. Initially, you can send us your Titles, subheadings, pictures, and Keywords. Secondly, we will review your topic. If approved, then you can write for this blog on any related topic.
Important: Content must be unique and more than 1000+ words in order to be published on this travel blog. Google loves unique content and we do indeed.
Important: The chosen topic must have adequate search volume, CPC, and low keyword difficulty (KD). We charge 20 USD (PKR 6000) for a single guest post.
We will add two do-follow backlinks to your guest post. Links and the website must be relevant. Please send us your guest post ideas to us by email at or directly by contact form: contact@mytouristline.com