In this blog post, we mentioned details about Karachi to Rawalpindi Train Timing and fare. Karachi to Islamabad Train Ticket Price. Also, you can find which trains run from Karachi to Rawalpindi and Islamabad, their stops, and train timings.
Note: All fares from Karachi to Rawalpindi/Islamabad trains mentioned here are up to date. Pakistan government increased 10% the fares of all trains in May and June 2022.
Good News: The government reduced the 10% fare from 18th July for all train tickets for all destinations in Pakistan only for economy class. We have updated the blog.
Bad News: The government increased the fares by almost 40%. We have updated the blog.
We update this guide regularly as train fares increase or decrease.
All trains running from Karachi to all over Pakistan are called UP trains and trains running from Karachi are called down (DN) trains.
8Karachi to Islamabad Train Ticket Price
Table of Contents
A single train Green Line departs from Karachi to Margala Islamabad. The time and fare are given below:
Currently, only the Green Line runs from Karachi to Islamabad. You can take other trains and get off at the nearest station in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and take a taxi or Metro to arrive in Islamabad.
7Green Line Ticket Price and Timetable

Green Line is a public passenger train in Pakistan. Its running code is 5UP for Karachi to Margalla (Islamabad), its terminal station. It has AC Business, AC Standard, Parlor Car, and Economy classes. It departs from Karachi Cantt at 22:00 and arrives at Margalla station (Terminal Station in Islamabad) at next day at 20:15. The Green Line stops at 07 stations. The whole journey takes 23 hours and 05 minutes.
The Green Line is the only train that travels from Karachi to Islamabad. It takes 21 hours and 35 minutes with just 07 stops.
Green Line train route is Rohri, Bahawalpur, Khanewal Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Margalla (Islamabad).
The fare and timetable of the Green Line are given in the table:
S.NO | Stop Name | Arrival | Departure | AC Business | AC Standard | Economy | Parlor Car |
1 | Karachi Cantt | – | 22:00 | – | – | – | – |
2 | Hyderabad Jn | 00:27 | 00:32 | 2350 | 1900 | 1250 | 2150 |
3 | Rohri Junction | 05:00 | 05:25 | 4500 | 3550 | 2200 | 4050 |
4 | Bahawalpur | 10:02 | 10:04 | 7550 | 6100 | 3350 | 6850 |
5 | Khanewal Jn | 11:35 | 11:55 | 8750 | 7050 | 3550 | 7950 |
6 | Lahore junction | 15:35 | 16:10 | 10900 | 8700 | 4300 | 9800 |
7 | Chak Lala | 20:14 | 20:16 | 11500 | 9150 | 5000 | 10300 |
8 | Rawalpindi | 20:30 | 20:45 | 11500 | 9150 | 5000 | 10300 |
9 | Margala | 21:05 | – | 11500 | 9150 | 5000 | 10300 |
08 trains run from Karachi to Rawalpindi. Some trains take the route from Karachi via Hyderabad, and Faisalabad to Rawalpindi. Some train takes the route from Karachi via Hyderabad, Lahore to Rawalpindi.
For details about Green Line UP & DN trains. We have written a dedicated article on the Green Line UP & DN train on timing & fare.
Ticket price Karachi to Rawalpindi
S.NO | Train Name | Code | AC Standard | AC Business | AC Sleeper | Economy (Fare Seat) |
1 | Hazara Express | 11UP | 8100 | N/A | N/A | 3350 |
2 | Awam Express | 13UP | 8100 | N/A | N/A | 3350 |
3 | Rehman Baba Express | 47UP | 8600 | 7700 | N/A | 3300 |
4 | Pakistan Express | 45UP | 7700 | 8600 | N/A | 3300 |
5 | Tezgam | 7UP | 8150 | 10000 | 13100 | 4350 |
6 | Sir Sayyed Express | 35UP | ||||
7 | Green Line | 5UP | 9150 | 11500 | N/A | 5000 |
8 | Khyber Mail | 1UP | 8100 | 9300 | 12500 | 3350 |
Ticket price Rawalpindi to Karachi
S.NO | Train Name | Code | AC Standard | AC Business | AC Sleeper | Economy (Fare Seat) |
1 | Khyber Mail | 2DN | 8100 | 9300 | 12500 | 3350 |
2 | Pakistan Express | 46DN | 7700 | 8600 | N/A | 3300 |
3 | Tezgam | 8DN | 8150 | 10000 | 13100 | 4350 |
4 | Awam Express | 14DN | 8100 | N/A | N/A | 3350 |
5 | Sir Sayyed Express | 36DN | ||||
6 | Rehman Baba Express | 48DN | 8600 | 7700 | N/A | 3000 |
7 | Green Line | 6DN | 9150 | 11500 | N/A | 5000 |
8 | Hazara Express | 12DN | 8100 | N/A | N/A | 3350 |
Here, are the complete guide about Karachi to Islamabad train timings and ticket prices of each train that goes.
Hazara Express 11UP
Hazara Express is a public passenger train in Pakistan. Its operational code is 11UP for Karachi to Rawalpindi. It departs from Karachi City Railway station at 07:35 in the morning and arrives at Rawalpindi station at next day at 14:30.
Rawalpindi is not the final destination of the Hazara Express. It makes stops at 41 stations on its route before reaching Rawalpindi. It begins from Karachi Cantt to Havelian and has a total of 46 stops. The whole journey takes 33 hours and 45 minutes. It has AC Standard and Economy class seating arrangements.
Route: Hazara Express train goes from Rohri, Bahawalpur, Multan, Khanewal, Sargodha, Malakwal, Lala Musa, and Rawalpindi.
6Hazara Express Ticket Price and Timetable
The fare and timetable of the Hazara Express are given in the table:
S.NO | Stop Name | Arrival | Departure | AC Standard | Economy (Berth) | Economy (Seat) |
1 | Karachi City | – | 07:35 | – | – | – |
2 | Karachi Cantt | 07:45 | 08:00 | 650 | 300 | 250 |
3 | Drigh Road | 08:19 | 08:21 | 650 | 300 | 250 |
4 | Landhi Junction | 08:41 | 08:43 | 650 | 300 | 250 |
5 | Kotri Junction | 10:31 | 10:33 | 1050 | 750 | 700 |
6 | Hyderabad Jn | 10:50 | 11:00 | 1250 | 750 | 700 |
7 | Tando Adam | 11:57 | 11:59 | 1300 | 750 | 700 |
8 | Shahdadpur | 12:16 | 12:18 | 1450 | 950 | 900 |
9 | Nawabshah Jn | 12:48 | 12:50 | 1700 | 1050 | 1100 |
10 | Padidan | 13:42 | 13:44 | 1900 | 1150 | 1100 |
11 | Bhiria Road | 13:57 | 13:59 | 1900 | 1150 | 1100 |
12 | Mahrabpur | 14:27 | 14:29 | 2150 | 1150 | 1100 |
13 | Gambat | 15:12 | 15:14 | |||
14 | Khairpur | 15:47 | 15:49 | 2250 | 1300 | 1250 |
15 | Rohri Jn | 16:35 | 17:00 | 2400 | 1300 | 1250 |
16 | Pano Akil | 17:30 | 17:32 | 2800 | 1750 | 1650 |
17 | Ghotki | 17:53 | 17:55 | 1950 | 1750 | 1650 |
18 | Mirpur Mathelo | 18:17 | 18:19 | 3200 | 1750 | 1650 |
19 | Sadikabad | 19:21 | 19:23 | 3350 | 1900 | 1800 |
20 | Rahim Yar Khan | 19:50 | 19:55 | 3600 | 1900 | 1800 |
21 | Khanpur Jn | 20:50 | 20:55 | 3800 | 1950 | 1850 |
22 | Liaquatpur | 21:28 | 21:30 | 3850 | 2000 | 1900 |
23 | Dera Nawab Sahib | 22:01 | 22:03 | 3900 | 2000 | 1900 |
24 | Mubarakpur | 22:19 | 22:21 | 3900 | 2200 | 2100 |
25 | Samasata Jn | 22:46 | 22:48 | 4000 | 2200 | 2100 |
26 | Bahawalpur | 23:05 | 23:10 | 4000 | 2200 | 2100 |
27 | Lodhran Jn | 23:32 | 23:34 | 4100 | 2200 | 2100 |
28 | Shujabad | 00:10 | 00:12 | 4150 | 2200 | 2100 |
29 | Multan Cantt | 00:55 | 01:25 | 4400 | 2300 | 2200 |
30 | Khanewal Jn | 02:15 | 02:20 | 4850 | 2450 | 2350 |
31 | Shorkot Cantt Jn | 03:15 | 03:20 | 5150 | 2800 | 2700 |
32 | Jhang Sadar | 04:50 | 04:55 | 5300 | 2800 | 2700 |
33 | Sillanwali | 06:25 | 06:27 | 5500 | 2900 | 2800 |
34 | Shahinabad Jn | 06:47 | 06:48 | 5600 | 2900 | 2800 |
35 | Sargodha Jn | 07:25 | 07:35 | 5600 | 2900 | 2800 |
36 | Bhalwal | 08:19 | 08:21 | 5700 | 3100 | 3000 |
37 | Phularwan | 08:42 | 08:44 | 5700 | 3100 | 3000 |
38 | Malakwal Jn | 09:20 | 09:25 | 6200 | 3100 | 3000 |
39 | Mandi Baha UD Din | 10:02 | 10:12 | 6400 | 3150 | 3050 |
40 | Dinga | 10:33 | 10:35 | 6750 | 3150 | 3050 |
41 | Lala Musa Jn | 11:05 | 11:30 | 7300 | 3300 | 3200 |
42 | Jhelum | 12:03 | 12:05 | 7500 | 3300 | 3200 |
43 | Gujar Khan | 13:23 | 13:25 | 7700 | 3400 | 3300 |
44 | Rawalpindi | 14:30 | 15:00 | 8100 | 3450 | 3350 |
Awam Express 13UP
Awam Express is a public passenger train in Pakistan. The word Awam means public. Its operational code is 13UP for Karachi to Peshawar. It has AC Standard and Economy class. It departs from Karachi Cantt at 07:00 in the morning and arrives at Rawalpindi station at next day at 12:40. Although, Rawalpindi is not the terminal station of Awam Express. It goes from Karachi Cantt to Peshawar Cantt and has a total of 62 stops. It stops at 55 stations till Rawalpindi. The whole journey takes 29 hours and 40 mins
Route: Awam Express train goes from Rohri, Bahawalpur, Multan, Khanewal, Sahiwal, Lahore Gujranwala, Gujrat, Kharian, and Rawalpindi.
5Awam Express Ticket Price and Timetable
Awam Express is still not operational. The below fare given is old. We will update you as soon as the train is operational again.
The fare and timetable of the Awam Express are given in the table:
S.NO | Stop Name | Arrival | Departure | AC Standard | Economy (Berth) | Economy (Seat) |
1 | Karachi Cantt | – | 07:00 | – | – | – |
2 | Drigh Road | 07:16 | 07:18 | 500 | 200 | 150 |
3 | Landhi Junction | 07:38 | 07:40 | 500 | 200 | 150 |
4 | Bin Qasim | 07:54 | 07:55 | 500 | 200 | 150 |
5 | Jungshahi | 08:30 | 08:31 | 500 | 300 | 250 |
6 | Jhimpir | 08:56 | 08:58 | 650 | 500 | 450 |
7 | Kotri Junction | 09:40 | 09:42 | 800 | 600 | 550 |
8 | Hyderabad Jn | 09:55 | 10:00 | 1000 | 600 | 500 |
9 | Tando Adam | 10:48 | 10:53 | 1650 | 750 | 700 |
10 | Shahdadpur | 11:10 | 11:15 | 1100 | 700 | 650 |
11 | Sarhari | 11:35 | 11:37 | 1300 | 700 | 650 |
12 | Nawabshah Jn | 11:52 | 11:54 | 1300 | 850 | 800 |
13 | Daur | 12:15 | 12:17 | 1450 | 850 | 800 |
14 | Bandhi | 12:35 | 12:37 | 1450 | 900 | 850 |
15 | Kot Lalloo | 12:48 | 12:50 | 1450 | 900 | 850 |
16 | Padidan | 13:05 | 13:07 | 1450 | 900 | 850 |
17 | Bhiria Road | 13:26 | 13:28 | 1450 | 900 | 800 |
18 | Mahrabpur | 13:58 | 14:00 | 1600 | 900 | 850 |
19 | Setharja | 14:17 | 14:19 | 1650 | 900 | 850 |
20 | Ranipur Riyasat | 14:34 | 14:36 | 1700 | 1000 | 950 |
21 | Gambat | 14:50 | 14:52 | 1700 | 1000 | 950 |
22 | Khairpur | 15:24 | 15:26 | 1700 | 1000 | 950 |
23 | Rohri junction | 16:10 | 16:35 | 1850 | 1000 | 950 |
24 | Pano Akil | 17:01 | 17:03 | 2100 | 1350 | 1250 |
25 | Ghotki | 17:24 | 17:26 | 2300 | 1350 | 1250 |
26 | Mirpur Mathelo | 17:48 | 17:50 | 2300 | 1350 | 1250 |
27 | Daharki | 18:06 | 18:08 | 2300 | 1400 | 1300 |
28 | Sadikabad | 18:56 | 18:58 | 2550 | 1500 | 1400 |
29 | Rahim Yar Khan | 19:30 | 19:32 | 2750 | 1500 | 1400 |
30 | Khanpur Jn | 20:35 | 20:40 | 2850 | 1550 | 1450 |
31 | Liaquatpur | 21:13 | 21:15 | 2900 | 1550 | 1450 |
32 | Dera Nawab Sahib | 21:46 | 21:48 | 2950 | 1550 | 1450 |
33 | Samasata Jn | 22:23 | 22:25 | 3050 | 1650 | 1550 |
34 | Bahawalpur | 22:40 | 22:44 | 3050 | 1650 | 1550 |
35 | Lodhran Jn | 23:08 | 23:10 | 3150 | 1650 | 1550 |
36 | Shujabad | 23:46 | 23:48 | 3200 | 1650 | 1550 |
37 | Multan Cantt | 00:30 | 00:38 | 3350 | 1750 | 1650 |
38 | Khanewal Jn | 01:35 | 01:50 | 3700 | 1900 | 1800 |
39 | Mian Channun | 02:22 | 02:24 | 3800 | 2150 | 2050 |
40 | Chichawatni | 02:50 | 02:52 | 4000 | 2150 | 2050 |
41 | Sahiwal | 03:35 | 03:40 | 4100 | 2150 | 2050 |
42 | Okara | 04:06 | 04:08 | 4200 | 2150 | 2050 |
43 | Pattoki | 04:42 | 04:44 | 4200 | 2200 | 2100 |
44 | Kot Radha Kishen | 05:07 | 05:09 | 4300 | 2200 | 2100 |
45 | Raiwind Jn | 05:25 | 05:30 | 4300 | 2200 | 2100 |
46 | Kot Lakhpat | 06:00 | 06:02 | 4350 | 2400 | 2300 |
47 | Lahore Cantt | 06:25 | 06:27 | 4350 | 2400 | 2300 |
48 | Lahore Junction | 06:40 | 07:15 | 4350 | 2400 | 2300 |
49 | Gujranwala | 08:15 | 08:20 | 4950 | 2450 | 2350 |
50 | Wazirabad Jn | 08:56 | 08:58 | 5400 | 2500 | 2400 |
51 | Gujrat | 09:14 | 09:16 | 5600 | 2500 | 2400 |
52 | Lala Musa Jn | 09:37 | 09:39 | 5700 | 2500 | 2400 |
53 | Kharian Cantt | 09:53 | 09:55 | 5700 | 2500 | 2400 |
54 | Jhelum | 10:23 | 10:25 | 5800 | 2500 | 2400 |
55 | Dina | 10:41 | 10:43 | 5850 | 2500 | 2400 |
56 | Gujar Khan | 11:31 | 11:33 | 5950 | 2600 | 2500 |
57 | Rawalpindi | 12:40 | 13:05 | 6200 | 2650 | 2550 |
Rehman Baba 47UP
Rehman Baba Express is a public passenger train in Pakistan. Its operational code is 47UP for Karachi to Rawalpindi. It departs from Karachi Cantt Railway station at noon and arrives at Rawalpindi station at next day at 13:30. Although, Rawalpindi is not the terminal station of Rehman Baba Express. It goes from Karachi Cantt to Peshawar Cantt and has a total of 26 stops. It stops at 22 stations till Rawalpindi. The whole journey takes 25 hours and 30 minutes. It has AC Standard, AC Business, and Economy class coaches. Its total journey is completed in 29 hours and 10 minutes with stops at 26 stations till Peshawar Cantt.
Route: Rehman Baba Express train takes a route from Rohri, Bahawalpur, Multan, Faisalabad, and Rawalpindi.
4Rehman Baba Express Ticket Price and Timetable
The fare and timetable of the Rehman Baba Express are given in the table:
S.NO | Stop Name | Arrival | Departure | AC Business | AC Standard | Economy (Berth) | Economy (Seat) |
1 | Karachi Cantt | – | 12:00 | – | – | – | – |
2 | Drigh Road | 12:19 | 12:21 | 900 | 650 | 300 | 250 |
3 | Landhi Jn | 12:41 | 12:43 | 900 | 650 | 300 | 250 |
4 | Hyderabad Jn | 14:45 | 14:50 | 1450 | 1250 | 750 | 700 |
5 | Tando Adam | 15:44 | 15:46 | 1650 | 1300 | 750 | 700 |
6 | Nawabshah Jn | 16:27 | 16:29 | 2150 | 1700 | 1100 | 1050 |
7 | Padidan | 17:11 | 17:13 | 2900 | 1900 | 1150 | 1100 |
8 | Bhiria Road | 17:26 | 17:28 | 2900 | 1900 | 1150 | 1100 |
9 | Lakha Road | 17:43 | 17:45 | ||||
10 | Mahrabpur | 18:01 | 18:03 | 2900 | 2150 | 1150 | 1100 |
11 | Rohri junction | 20:00 | 20:25 | 3200 | 2400 | 1300 | 1250 |
12 | Pano Akil | 20:51 | 20:53 | 4050 | 2800 | 1750 | 1650 |
13 | Rahim Yar Khan | 22:51 | 22:53 | 4750 | 3600 | 1900 | 1800 |
14 | Bahawalpur | 01:20 | 01:25 | 5800 | 4000 | 2200 | 2100 |
15 | Multan Cantt | 03:00 | 03:20 | 6300 | 4400 | 2300 | 2200 |
16 | Toba Tek Singh | 05:16 | 05:18 | 6950 | 5250 | 2800 | 2700 |
17 | Faisalabad | 06:25 | 06:55 | 7550 | 5500 | 2800 | 2700 |
18 | Sangla Hill | 07:34 | 07:36 | 7550 | 5500 | 2900 | 2800 |
19 | Hafizabad | 08:39 | 08:41 | 8050 | 5700 | 3100 | 3000 |
20 | Alipur Chattha | 09:10 | 09:12 | 8200 | 5900 | 3100 | 3000 |
21 | Wazirabad Jn | 10:20 | 10:22 | 8200 | 6200 | 3100 | 3000 |
22 | Lala Musa Jn | 10:50 | 10:52 | 8400 | 6750 | 3150 | 3050 |
23 | Rawalpindi | 13:30 | 13:50 | 8600 | 7700 | 3400 | 3300 |
24 | Attock City Jn | 15:16 | 15:18 | 9300 | 8200 | 3500 | 3400 |
25 | Jahangira Road | 15:55 | 15:57 | 9550 | 8350 | 3500 | 3400 |
26 | Nowshera Jn | 16:14 | 16:16 | 9550 | 8350 | 3500 | 3400 |
27 | Peshawar City | 16:53 | 16:54 | 9900 | 8500 | 3800 | 3700 |
28 | Peshawar Cantt | 17:10 | – | 9900 | 8500 | 3800 | 3700 |
Pakistan Express 45UP
Pakistan Express train is also known as the “45” (reads as number 45 or 45 number) train. Usually, people don’t use it in Pakistan. But, as a foreigner, it’s difficult to remember names or hard to pronounce train names, that’s why you can just call a train by its number instead of its name.
Pakistan Express is a public passenger train in Pakistan that consists of only economy class. But, from 23rd December 2022, it is now upgraded to AC Standard and AC Business class. Its operational code is 45UP for Karachi to Rawalpindi. It departs from Karachi Cantt Railway station at 13:30 and arrives at Rawalpindi station at next day at 16:00. It stops at 29 stations. The whole journey takes 26 hours and 30 minutes.
Route: Pakistan Express train takes route via Faisalabad. Including Bahawalpur and Multan.
3Pakistan Express Ticket Price and Timetable
The fare and timetable of the Pakistan Express are given in the table:
S.NO | Stop Name | Arrival | Departure | AC Business | AC Standard | Economy (Berth) | Economy (Seat) |
1 | Karachi Cantt | – | 13:30 | – | – | – | – |
2 | Landhi Jn | 14:03 | 14:05 | 900 | 650 | 300 | 250 |
3 | Hyderabad Jn | 16:05 | 1450 | 1250 | 750 | 700 | |
4 | Tando Adam | 16:42 | 16:44 | 1650 | 1300 | 750 | 700 |
5 | Padidan | 18:00 | 18:02 | 2900 | 1900 | 1150 | 1100 |
Khairpur | 3200 | 2250 | 1300 | 1250 | |||
6 | Rohri Jn | 20:25 | 20:50 | 3200 | 2400 | 1300 | 1250 |
7 | Ghotki | 21:36 | 21:38 | 4050 | 3000 | 1750 | 1650 |
8 | Sadikabad | 22:46 | 22:48 | 4750 | 3350 | 1900 | 1800 |
9 | Rahim Yar Khan | 23:18 | 23:20 | 4750 | 3600 | 1900 | 1800 |
10 | Khanpur Jn | 00:08 | 00:13 | 4750 | 3800 | 1950 | 1850 |
11 | Bahawalpur | 01:50 | 01:55 | 5800 | 4000 | 2200 | 2100 |
12 | Multan Cantt | 03:15 | 03:40 | 6300 | 4400 | 2300 | 2200 |
13 | Khanewal Jn | 04:25 | 04:30 | 6300 | 4850 | 2450 | 2350 |
14 | Abdul Hakim | 05:03 | 05:05 | 6950 | 5000 | 2800 | 2700 |
15 | Shorkot Cantt Jn | 05:44 | 05:49 | 6950 | 5150 | 2800 | 2700 |
16 | Toba Tek Singh | 06:14 | 06:16 | 6950 | 5250 | 2800 | 2700 |
17 | Gojra | 06:38 | 06:40 | 6950 | 5300 | 2800 | 2700 |
18 | Faisalabad | 07:35 | 08:05 | 7550 | 5500 | 2800 | 2700 |
19 | Sangla Hill | 08:46 | 08:48 | 7550 | 5500 | 2900 | 2800 |
20 | Sukheke | 09:13 | 09:15 | 8050 | 5600 | 2900 | 2800 |
21 | Hafizabad | 09:47 | 09:52 | 8050 | 5700 | 3100 | 3000 |
22 | Alipur Chattha | 10:23 | 10:25 | 8200 | 5900 | 3100 | 3000 |
23 | Wazirabad Jn | 11:30 | 11:35 | 8200 | 6200 | 3100 | 3000 |
24 | Gujrat | 11:35 | 11:37 | 8400 | 6400 | 3150 | 3050 |
25 | Lala Musa Jn | 12:13 | 12:15 | 8400 | 6750 | 3150 | 3050 |
26 | Jhelum | 12:51 | 12:53 | 8400 | 7100 | 3300 | 3200 |
27 | Dina | 13:11 | 13:13 | 8400 | 7300 | 3300 | 3200 |
28 | Gujar Khan | 14:13 | 14:15 | 8600 | 7650 | 3300 | 3200 |
29 | Chak Lala | 15:15 | 15:17 | 8600 | 7700 | 3400 | 3300 |
30 | Rawalpindi | 15:25 | – | 8600 | 7700 | 3400 | 3300 |
Tezgam 7UP
Tezgam Express is a public passenger train in Pakistan. Its running code is 7UP for Karachi to its terminal station Rawalpindi. The train is based on AC standard, AC Business, AC Sleeper, and Economy class. This train departs from Karachi Cantt at 17:30 and arrives at Rawalpindi station at next day at 20:15. Tezgam Express stops at 26 stations. The whole journey takes 26 hours and 45 minutes.
Tezgam Express train route is Rohri, Bahawalpur, Multan, Khanewal, Sahiwal, Lahore and Rawalpindi.
2Tezgam Express Ticket Price and Timetable
The fare and timetable of the Tezgam Express are given in the table:
S.NO | Stop Name | Arrival | Departure | AC Business | AC Standard | AC Sleeper | Economy (Berth) | Economy (Seat) |
1 | Karachi Cantt | – | 17:30 | – | – | – | – | |
2 | Hyderabad Jn | 19:55 | 1550 | 1400 | 2250 | 1000 | 1000 | |
3 | Tando Adam | 20:34 | 20:36 | 1750 | 1450 | 2800 | 1000 | 1000 |
4 | Shahdadpur | 20:53 | 20:55 | 1750 | 1500 | 2850 | 1050 | 1000 |
5 | Nawabshah Jn | 21:25 | 21:28 | 2650 | 1800 | 3350 | 1300 | 1250 |
6 | Maharabpur | 22:47 | 22:49 | 3100 | 2250 | 4400 | 1650 | 1600 |
7 | Khairpur | 23:53 | 23:55 | 3350 | 2350 | 4850 | 1650 | 1600 |
8 | Rohri Junction | 00:45 | 01:10 | 3350 | 2500 | 5250 | 1750 | 1700 |
9 | Rahim Yar Khan | 03:11 | 03:13 | 5000 | 3800 | 6750 | 2400 | 2300 |
10 | Khanpur Jn | 04:05 | 04:10 | 5000 | 4000 | 7100 | 2450 | 2350 |
11 | Bahawalpur | 05:45 | 05:49 | 6150 | 4500 | 8100 | 2800 | 2700 |
12 | Multan Cantt | 07:15 | 07:35 | 7000 | 5250 | 9050 | 3100 | 3000 |
13 | Khanewal Jn | 08:20 | 08:25 | 7000 | 5600 | 9250 | 3350 | 3250 |
14 | Mian Channun | 08:58 | 09:00 | 7500 | 5700 | 9650 | 3450 | 3350 |
15 | Chichawatni | 09:26 | 09:28 | 7500 | 5800 | 9700 | 3450 | 3350 |
16 | Sahiwal | 10:05 | 10:07 | 7500 | 5800 | 10200 | 3650 | 3550 |
17 | Okara | 10:33 | 10:35 | 8050 | 5800 | 10300 | 3650 | 3550 |
18 | Pattoki | 11:09 | 11:11 | 8100 | 6200 | 10600 | 3900 | 3800 |
19 | Raiwind Jn | 11:45 | 11:50 | 8700 | 6200 | 11050 | 3900 | 3800 |
20 | Lahore junction | 12:45 | 13:15 | 8700 | 6200 | 11150 | 3900 | 3850 |
21 | Gujranwala | 14:10 | 14:15 | 8850 | 6900 | 11700 | 4000 | 3900 |
22 | Wazirabad Jn | 14:50 | 14:52 | 8850 | 7200 | 12100 | 4100 | 4000 |
23 | Gujrat | 15:10 | 15:12 | 8850 | 7400 | 12150 | 4100 | 4000 |
24 | Lala Musa Jn | 15:35 | 15:37 | 8850 | 7600 | 12250 | 4250 | 4150 |
25 | Jhelum | 16:21 | 16:22 | 9050 | 7700 | 12500 | 4250 | 4150 |
26 | Gujar Khan | 17:43 | 17:45 | 9050 | 7950 | 12850 | 4400 | 4300 |
27 | Chak Lala | 18:38 | 18:40 | 10000 | 8150 | 13100 | 4450 | 4350 |
28 | Rawalpindi | 18:55 | – | 10000 | 8150 | 13100 | 4450 | 4350 |
Sir Sayyed Express 35 UP
Sir Sayyed Express is a private passenger train in Pakistan. It is a little expensive compared to government public passenger trains. It runs from Karachi to Rawalpindi daily. Its departure time from Karachi Cantt is 21:00 and arrives in Rawalpindi on the next day at 19:45. The whole journey takes 22 hours and 45 minutes. It stops on 10 stations and is based on AC Sleeper, AC Business, Lower Economy Standard, Economy – 78, and Economy Brake – I.
Class | Fare Seat | Fare Berth |
AC Sleeper | 10500 | 10500 |
AC Business | 8800 | 8800 |
Lower AC Standard | 6100 | 6100 |
Economy – 78 | 3000 | 3100 |
Economy Brake – I | 3000 | 3100 |
Read also:-
Khyber Mail 1UP
Khyber Mail is a public passenger train in Pakistan. Its running code is 1UP for Karachi to Rawalpindi, and its terminal station is Peshawar Cantt. It has AC standard, AC Business, AC Sleeper, and Economy class. It departs from Karachi Cantt at 22:15 and arrives at Rawalpindi at next day night at 02:15. Khyber Mail halts at 36 places. The whole journey takes 28 hours and 00 mins.
Khyber Mail train route is Rohri, Bahawalpur, Multan, Khanewal, Sahiwal, Lahore, and Rawalpindi.
The fare and timetable of the Khyber Mail are given in the table:
1Khyber Mail Ticket Price and Timetable
S.NO | Stop Name | Arrival | Departure | AC Business | AC Standard | AC Sleeper | Economy (Berth) | Economy (Seat) |
1 | Karachi Cantt | – | 22:15 | – | – | – | – | – |
2 | Drigh Road | 22:33 | 22:35 | 900 | 650 | 1000 | 300 | 250 |
3 | Landhi Jn | 22:55 | 22:57 | 900 | 650 | 1000 | 300 | 250 |
4 | Hyderabad Jn | 00:58 | 1450 | 1250 | 2200 | 750 | 700 | |
5 | Nawabshah Jn | 02:12 | 02:14 | 2150 | 1700 | 3200 | 1100 | 1050 |
6 | Khairpur | 04:30 | 04:32 | 3200 | 2250 | 4600 | 1300 | 1250 |
7 | Rohri Junction | 05:20 | 05:45 | 3200 | 2350 | 4950 | 1300 | 1250 |
8 | Pano Akil | 06:11 | 06:16 | 4050 | 2800 | 5500 | 1750 | 1650 |
9 | Ghotki | 06:37 | 06:39 | 4050 | 2950 | 5550 | 1750 | 1650 |
10 | Mirpur Mathelo | 07:00 | 07:02 | 4050 | 3000 | 5800 | 1750 | 1650 |
11 | Daharki | 07:19 | 07:21 | 4050 | 3000 | 5800 | 1800 | 1700 |
12 | Sadikabad | 07:58 | 08:00 | 4750 | 3350 | 6100 | 1900 | 1800 |
13 | Rahim Yar Khan | 08:30 | 08:34 | 4750 | 3600 | 6500 | 1900 | 1800 |
14 | Khanpur Jn | 09:25 | 09:30 | 4750 | 3800 | 6750 | 1950 | 1850 |
15 | Liaquatpur | 10:03 | 10:05 | 5200 | 3850 | 7200 | 2000 | 1900 |
16 | Dera Nawab Sahib | 10:36 | 10:38 | 5200 | 3900 | 7300 | 2000 | 1900 |
17 | Samasata Jn | 11:13 | 11:15 | 5800 | 4000 | 7650 | 2200 | 2100 |
18 | Bahawalpur | 11:29 | 11:34 | 5800 | 4000 | 7700 | 2200 | 2100 |
19 | Lodhran Jn | 11:59 | 12:01 | 5800 | 4100 | 8050 | 2200 | 2100 |
20 | Shujabad | 12:37 | 12:39 | 5800 | 4150 | 8200 | 2200 | 2100 |
21 | Multan Cantt | 13:15 | 13:40 | 6300 | 4400 | 8400 | 2300 | 2200 |
22 | Khanewal Jn | 14;25 | 14:30 | 6300 | 4850 | 8750 | 2450 | 2350 |
23 | Mian Channun | 15:02 | 15:04 | 6950 | 5000 | 9100 | 2800 | 2700 |
24 | Chichawatni | 15:30 | 15:32 | 6950 | 5150 | 9200 | 2800 | 2700 |
25 | Sahiwal | 16:11 | 16:15 | 6950 | 5300 | 9650 | 2800 | 2700 |
26 | Okara | 16:43 | 16:45 | 7550 | 5300 | 9850 | 2800 | 2700 |
27 | Pattoki | 17:19 | 17:21 | 7550 | 5500 | 10000 | 2900 | 2800 |
28 | Kot Radha Kishen | 17:44 | 17:46 | 8050 | 5600 | 10350 | 2900 | 2800 |
29 | Raiwind Jn | 18:05 | 18:10 | 8050 | 5600 | 10400 | 2900 | 2800 |
30 | Kot Lakhpat | 18:39 | 18:41 | 8050 | 5700 | 10600 | 3100 | 3000 |
31 | Lahore Cantt | 19:05 | 19:07 | 8200 | 5700 | 10600 | 3100 | 3000 |
32 | Lahore junction | 19:25 | 19:55 | 8200 | 5700 | 10600 | 3100 | 3000 |
33 | Gujranwala | 21:05 | 21:10 | 8400 | 6400 | 11050 | 3150 | 3050 |
34 | Wazirabad Jn | 21:52 | 21:54 | 8400 | 7100 | 11350 | 3300 | 3200 |
35 | Gujrat | 22:12 | 22:14 | 8400 | 7300 | 11500 | 3300 | 3200 |
36 | Lala Musa Jn | 22:37 | 22:40 | 8400 | 7500 | 11550 | 3300 | 3200 |
37 | Jhelum | 23:18 | 23:20 | 8600 | 7600 | 11750 | 3300 | 3200 |
38 | Rawalpindi | 01:20 | 01:50 | 9300 | 8100 | 12500 | 3450 | 3350 |
Attock City Jn | 9650 | 8500 | 13100 | 3500 | 3400 | |||
Jhangira Road | 9900 | 8500 | 13300 | 3800 | 3700 | |||
Nowshehra Jn | 9900 | 8500 | 13350 | 3800 | 3700 | |||
Peshawar City | 10000 | 8700 | 13700 | 3800 | 3700 | |||
Peshawar Cantt | 10000 | 8700 | 13750 | 3900 | 3800 |
watch a video – Eid Rush on Train
UPDATED: 28th October 2023
Karachi to islamabad
I wanted to travel from
khi to Isl. appreciate, id you can share the cost of full cabin (adults 2, kids 3) can be accommodated.
I wanted to travel from
khi to Isl. appreciate, id you can share the cost of full cabin (adults 2, kids 2) can be accommodated.
There is only one train Green Line directly going to Margalla (Islamabad). Its fare for economy class for one person is Rs 3350, and AC Business is Rs 8150. It departs from Karachi Cantt at 22:00 and will arrive the next day in Islamabad at 20:15. There are some trains running from Karachi to Rawalpindi too. For more details plz read Green Line Train Timing & Fare
Please let me know about sir Syed train, I want to go pindi from Karachi. 5 person 2 kids
Sir Sayyed Express train runs from Karachi to Lahore.