Home Malaysia Keelam Cave – Cave of darkness & Horror World

Keelam Cave – Cave of darkness & Horror World

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This video is about Keelam cave, a cave of darkness and the horror world.

I stayed at Couch surfers host near to Thailand border. The ticket price of the cave is Ringgit 5 and the time is from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm. I went at 08:00 am and it was closed and the cave opened, I went inside, the cave was so scary and no one person there.


Keelam cave (Gua Keelam: Malaysian) is located in Kaki Bukit, Perlis. It’s a 370m long limestone cave where it’s famous for its ‘cave walk’. ou will enter from one end of the cave and come out at a different location. The only path in is via a wooden suspension bridge measuring 8ft wide. Gua Cave called ‘cave of darkness’.

I took a train from Padang Besar to Butterworth (Penang) which cost Ringgit 11.40.

watch video – 24 Hours in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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